I started learning English in my early 30s. It all started with my first trip to Europe on a package tour. When I was eating a dinner prepared in advance for the tour group in a restaurant, I saw a local couple enjoying some delicious-looking French dishes. “If I could speak the language,” I thought, “I’d be able to travel alone and go to any restaurant I want. I should study English again!”
During my stay there, I learned that a consulting company in Chicago was recruiting an English/ Japanese bilingual consultant. I decided to try it out and went for an interview. I got accepted for the job, so I returned to Japan, packed my belongings, and moved back to Chicago in two months. That was how my working career started in the US.
I was in charge of a project by the Illinois state government to attract foreign companies. As a member of the project to bring more Japanese businesses to Illinois, I liaised with Japanese companies, banks, and the state government while struggling with English every day.
数年後にイリノイ州のプロジェクトが終了し、日本に帰りSUPERMOM Communicationsを立ち上げ、海外の企業と仕事をしたいという企業のサポート業務を始めました。クライアントの1社が現地法人をニュージャージー州で立ち上げたいということで、その作業に加わり、結果そのまま現地で26 年間、技術営業とマーケティングを担当することになりました。
A few years later, when the project in Illinois ended, I returned to Japan and founded SUPERMOM Communications, where I started providing support to companies wanting to do business with overseas firms. One of my clients wanted to set up a subsidiary in New Jersey, so I joined that project and ended up being in charge of technical sales and marketing for 26 years.
Having worked for over 30 years in the United States, including making hundreds of company visits and presentations, I coach Japanese companies on how to approach overseas firms, deliver effective presentations, employ negotiation techniques, and more.
Having neither grown up nor studied English overseas, learning English was like exploring an unknown world for me. When I worked at the consulting firm in Chicago on projects for the state government, I spent a lot of energy on speaking accurate English.
Most of my Japanese colleagues were bilingual, and I often felt anxious. One day, a project manager from the state government told me, “Yasuko, you always do your job seriously and sincerely.” When I heard those words, I realized for the first time that English was just a communication tool. You won’t do excellent work unless you have the determination to do so.
Even Japanese people whose native language is not English can make presentations and negotiate in ways that capture the hearts of others. I’m confident that I can coach others on how to convey messages and negotiate effectively, as I have learned from my 30 years of experience in sales and management.
黒田 康子
We specialize English coaching for those who speak English and want to improve and make more effective presentations.
The program is for corporate executives who already have experience of traveling overseas.
We offer English training to students enrolled in, or wishing to attend, English-specialized schools.
美しい姿勢できれいに歩く –